Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Woo hoo! Longest run ever!

Well, it was the longest for me, anyway!  Today was the day that the C25K program had me do one single run!  5 minutes of warm up walking, a 20 minute run, and then another walk to cool down!  If that weren't enough, I actually ran a couple of minutes longer than I needed to.  I figured that I might as well just go all the way to the other side of the mailboxes before I slowed to cool down.  I must admit that there were a couple of points that I thought I really needed to take a walk break,  but then realized that it wasn't that I needed to take the walk break - it was merely that I wanted to take a walk break.  There's a big difference between needing and wanting, so I persevered and it got me another PR with Paula Radcliffe chatting at me!  Yay!

Not that I am speedy yet, by any means!  And I know that my recorded pace is off because my Nike+ isn't calibrated correctly, but I LOVE that I can see progress!  Oooh!  I need to hear/say that again... I can see progress!  I feel particularly good about today's run because my muscles are a little sore.  

You see, I started my boot camp class yesterday morning.  I got up at 4:30 am to leave by 5:00 and went to exercise outside in the dark.  I'm not going to lie...  It was hard!  The class was intermittent strength/core training and running laps.  It was already 76 degrees (24 C) and humid at 5:30.  And it was dark - but not too dark for the mosquitos!  Today it hurts to cough or inhale deeply and raising my arms is a real challenge.  But I'm going to go back and do it again tomorrow!  Tomorrow's routine is supposed to be a "total body blast" and I'm hoping that doesn't include abs and arms.  I have a feeling I'll be disappointed, though!  Our instructor told us that there will come a time when we look forward that sore feeling from working out.  Desire it!  I don't know.  That seems odd to me.  Who wants to have pain?  If I want pain, I could just get a tattoo and have some cool new body art to show for it.

Today's run was totally uneventful, with the exception of going faster and longer than I have in the past, and continuing on when I wanted to slow down.  Hmmm... put it that way and maybe it wasn't so uneventful!  It was dark when I started and light when I got back home.  I scared a small family of rabbits out of a neighbor's yard.  That will teach them for nibbling in the garden. 

Boot camp tomorrow and running again on Thursday.  See ya then!

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