Friday, August 19, 2011

Testing... Testing...

Is this thing working?  Oh wait!  It was ME that was having a bit of difficulty!  I got up this morning, ready to run.  I didn't plan to do 5K again today,  because I didn't feel that I would be able to do that so soon after Wednesday's 3.125 miles, and I was correct.  I also decided to test my strategy of having a protein shake before I run, and was right about that, as well!  I did my warm up walk and then started running and it wasn't long before I ran out of steam.  I walked for a while longer, then sped up to a jog, but again, I ran out of steam before very long.  My total route was 2 miles today, but I ran less than half of it.  I've come to the conclusion that, now that I am going a little farther and a little faster, I definitely need to get some protein before I run.  That may not be the case so much, if I were to go out after I have been up and had a meal or two anyway, but for running first thing in the morning, start-up fuel appears to be necessary.

It was a glorious 64 degrees (17 C) at 5:50 this morning.  Wonderful temperature!  As the sun rose, there was a thin layer of mist just above the ground, giving the field near our house a quietly mysterious appearance.  You could see it and see that it was a plowed field, but you couldn't quite see what was in the field.  I happen to know that lots of critters make themselves quite comfortable there, and many of them are the kind that I'd just as soon not run across in the dark of pre-dawn.  The raccoons and opossums are are not so bad, although I wouldn't really want to startle either of them - they do have sharp teeth.  It's the skunks and the coyotes that I really don't want to see up close. 

The only interesting thing that happened while I was out today was that a guy in an SUV stopped and asked if he could have the money out of my purse.  I told my husband that it was fine, so he went back home to get it, and then waived at me as he drove out of the neighborhood with his bike in the back.  He probably used it to buy breakfast after he "worked out" while sitting down on his bicycle.  Seriously... 21 miles while you're sitting on a bike?  The only way to really  work out is on your feet!  No... not really!  But I'd totally rather run that have my butt hurt from sitting on a bike for 21 miles!

Next run: Sunday at the park (which is 8 weeks until the Detroit Marathon/Half/5K).  Looking forward to a good run to finish out my week.  I think I'll plan to do another 5K, then next week I'll be fully back to M-W-F + a weekend day!  Goal is to do 5K at least once a week and possibly a slightly longer one (4 miles?) before my official first race!

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