Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Holy Freaking Cow!

So, I was looking at the calendar yesterday and realized that my first 5K, the one alongside the Detroit Marathon, was exactly 2 months away.  TWO months!  61 days!  Time to kick into a higher gear and get my tuchus moving, farther - and faster!  C25K has been going well, but I have yet to actually run 5K.  Until today, that is!  

I finished my new John Bingham book, Accidental Athlete, last night and really enjoyed it.  Definitely learned some new things, but mostly, it left me feeling totally inspired.  So, when I went to bed I decided that I was going to run a full 5K this morning.  Or at least I would try.  No walk breaks - just running (well, jogging, actually) for the entire 3.125 miles.  Of course, realizing that I haven't even tried this before, I was well aware that I could get into the 3rd mile and decide that I needed to finish up walking, but I was so excited about this new goal, that I had trouble getting to sleep last night!  

I got up 3 minutes after the alarm went off.  I walked for about 5 minutes, which got me to the point where I started mapping my 5K route on Map My Run then I started my run.  One mile...  feeling great.  I started out a little earlier this morning, knowing that it was going to take me longer, so it was still dark out.  Two miles...  still feeling really good, knowing that, in just over a mile, I would accomplish something major for me.  Three miles...  okay, I am now aware that this is more than I've ever done at one time, but am still feeling good.  Keep going... around the next corner, and I can see the intersection where my 3.125 miles ends.  Nothing can stop me now!  I kept on running and I did it!  And I couldn't be more thrilled if you gave me a medal (well, maybe if you gave me a medal)!  

My pace was slow.  I really want to pick that up in the next 2 months, before I run a timed 5K, in front of other people.  But that's okay!  That was why I wanted to do this today and see exactly where I am.  I know  that I can improve my time before my first 5K, and now I know where I am starting from, and will be able to see - and measure - my progress.  

YAY ME!  I think I floated the rest of the way home.  Now, there's NO stopping me!


Kevin said...

Awesome job! You've got me thinking I may need to try the c25k again.

jnaz said...

Fantastic job!

Liz said...

You are amazing! CONGRATULATIONS!!!

Michelle said...

You guys are awesome! Thanks for reading and for cheering me on!