Sunday, June 12, 2011

I Hate Being Followed When I Run!

Ever have that weird feeling that you are being followed?  Like someone is skulking along  behind you, but when you turn around there's no one there?  I hate that!  Today I headed out at 8:10 am, much later than my usual 5:40 am, since it's the weekend and I got to sleep in after a busy day yesterday.  So I took off on this cool, dry morning, and got down the street and just knew that someone was following me.  Turn... Nope, no one there!  Continue... Feel it again and turn.  Again, no one.  As I turn the corner, I finally see her dash past me.  I never see my shadow when I'm out, but there she was, with me today.  I thought I outran her a few times, because she was nowhere to be seen, but then she'd catch back up zip past me.   Bet I don't see her again this Tuesday or Thursday.  She'll probably still be in bed, snoozing the morning away, while I'm out doing the next week of C25K for both of us.

I changed my route a bit today, just to stave off boredom.  I felt that last week's C25K went very well and I'm actually looking forward to moving up this week!  Let me repeat that!    Looking forward to moving up.  I'm not trying to convince myself... I'm trying to believe that statement came from me!  I am not at all used to being eager to make something that I'm already doing harder than it has been, so this is very new to me.  I mean, today I had some great fun planned for after my run. I went to the shooting range to learn how to load, shoot and empty a few different handguns,  and bought myself a t-shirt at the shooting range (to run in).  It was super fun, and I've been looking forward to it.  But during the week?  All I do after I run is get ready and go to work.  Nothing much to look forward to there.   Even so, I find my self excited at the thought of getting up early this Tuesday so that I can run more and walk less!

I had very good musical running companions, today.  Started out with Motley Crue and ended my last running portion with Emenem. Was accompanied on my cool down by the Partridge Family (technically Keith and Shirley, I suppose, with maybe a few professional back-up singers thrown it).  It was a good mix, and I enjoyed my time out in the sunshine. 

C25K1-3 run environment:
57 degrees at 8:10 am, with a light breeze - perfect!

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