Tuesday, October 4, 2011

What an awesome morning!

I wish I could have gotten a picture of what the sky was like when I went out to run this morning at 5:55!  it was chilly out and wonderfully clear. I think I could see every star in the sky.  It was gorgeous and, despite my somewhat icy fingers, it was a fantastic temperature.

The run, itself, felt really good.  I sped things up from Sunday's run, which was great.  I didn't go as far, because I had to get ready for work.  My legs are sore from Sunday, but running made them feel better and then I had a good stretch afterward. I only ran 2 miles this morning, and took a quick - 3 minute - walk break in the middle.  I could tell that I was moving along at a faster clip than usual, while I was running and, oddly, I never quite got to that "Crap! What am I doing out here? What makes me think I'm ever really going to be a runner?" feeling that I sometimes get.  Starting out with sore legs, on my second run, after 3 weeks of inactivity seems like the perfect time for those feelings to crop up, so I think I'm making progress, despite that.  Looking forward to my Detroit Free Press and Talmer Bank 5K in 12 days!  Then the Run of the Dead, two weeks later.

When I first went out, I was walking for a few minutes to warm up my muscles, and was only about 6 houses away from my own, and this little white dog ran up to me barking feverishly!  Yes, it was a small dog, but it really startled me with it's sudden yappiness, dashing toward me in the dark.  There were no lights on in, or around, the house, but I finally did see that there was a woman attached to the other end of the leash - it's a good thing that I didn't trip over her dog.  She looked kind of grumpy!

Well, tomorrow I have a Zumba class, so I won't be running again until Thursday.  Check back then to see how it goes (and I might even tell you a little about Zumba).  Laters!

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