Thursday, October 13, 2011

GREAT run this morning!

Yea!  I went out about 5:45 and it was kind of foggy, in the mid-upper 50s and it was perfect!  I spent a little more time than usual in the morning (before work) and got a further run in.  I felt really good doing it, and even better when I got done.  Ridiculously invigorated and ready to tackle the day - and it needed some tackling!

Tomorrow, I'll do a slightly shorter run and then Saturday I'm still planning to walk for an hour        and I'll be good to go at  7:25, when the gun fires in Detroit (it's okay... this gun is supposed to be fired in the middle of this crowd of people).  My plan is to do a little more walking during the first mile, so I can run the last 2 miles of the race.  I know for any runner, my little 5K seems like a morning stroll, but it's a big accomplishment for me, and I'm totally geeked about it!

There were a number of distractions during this morning's run!  First, I was rounding a dark corker and an opossum darted out from under some bushes at me - well, as much as an opossum can dash.  As soon as he realized that he was coming toward me, rather than away from me, he turned and scurried through 3 yards.  He finally found shelter in another bush that I was, obviously, not going to dive under to get him.  

Even scarier than the opossum... a school bus full of kids!  I never see the buses, and usually just forget that they are out there picking the kids up in the morning, but my timing today was just so that I ran by 2 of them.  I see all the kids on Halloween and know that they are unpredictable and not trustworthy, so I try to stay as far away as possible.  Can't believe I had to run right by them today.  

Finally, I found out that I can register for next year's half-marathon tomorrow, which is really exciting.  On the American Cancer Society's web site, I looked at the DetermiNation page this morning and they posted the registration, so I can commit to the race, and start getting my things in order, and begin fundraising!  This is the most exciting thing that's happened to me in a while (unless you count this morning's flu shot), so I am really stoked and that's really going to help during this weekend's race.

More tomorrow...

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