Sunday, October 9, 2011

Well, that was different!

I just got home from my first nighttime run.  It was just in my neighborhood, where I run all the time, early in the morning while it's still dark.  I knew that this would be a little different... different traffic and people out, etc.  I only saw one person outside, talking on his cell.  I passed him twice near the park and he kept moving away from me like he was worried that I might trot by and mug him, or something.  I also saw a couple of cars heading in or out of the neighborhood, not quite as many as I usually see in the morning.  

The run was good.  My pace was improved, I think, and I went about 2.5 miles.  Somehow my Nike+ didn't get turned on, as I thought, so my run didn't get recorded.  Since the sun had gone down (being 10:15 pm, and all) it was nice an cool - just 61 degrees.  Not a lot of humidity and a very slight breeze.  It was a pleasant run and I felt really good - although I really should go a little longer.

Some of our neighbors really decorate for Halloween.  Orange lights, pumpkins, ghosts and cobwebs...  In fact, I ran through some cobwebs that went from a low-hanging branch to someone's car and it felt like the real deal.  It even had a lifelike spider in it and a few bugs caught up in the web.  I was also taken back to 1976... I remember seeing the advertisements for The Omen on television.  I never saw the movie, but the commercials scared the bejesus out of me, with vicious, wild looking dogs all over the place.  They made me think of hyenas or jackals back then, when I was 10! There aren't any jackals or hyenas in my neighborhood, that I know of.  There are, however, coyotes that frequent the large field in back of the houses across the street from us.  I could hear them yapping back and forth and it kind of freaked me out.  Maybe it made me run a little faster!

Just one week until my first 5K and then 3 more in the next month.  That might just qualify me as "a runner" now.

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