Overslept a little yesterday and it didn't allow me quite enough time to get out and run before work, so I was going to do it last night. But... it was kind of warm out - mid 70s and I knew it would be cooler this morning, so I decided to postpone until this morning. I was truly bummed that I had overslept because I heard on the radio that it was 59 degrees and that is SO my kind of weather for running. I got up this morning and did a 20 minute run, in 62 degrees, and it felt great. I think I sped up a little, too, and tomorrow morning will be a 5K run.
Although I had enough time this morning, I did get up a little late and went out at about 6:10. it was considerably lighter when I started and I saw more people leaving for work than usual. When I run I have lots of time to think about whatever I want - or nothing at all. I usually take in what's happening around where I'm running, along with how I'm feeling, trying to be aware of my breathing... things like that. Sometimes, I really just kind of zone out and run and don't think about anything. Today, I was contemplating the possibility of early-onset dementia. My short-term memory kind of sucks! I've recently learned that menopause can be a cause of that, which makes me feel a little better, but I just don't know. I forget what I went into a room for, what I sat down to the computer to look up, what I was going to say when I went to a co-worker's office. Today, I walked into the bathroom when I was getting ready to run and couldn't remember what I went in there for. Pretty sure I was going to get something that was in there, but couldn't figure out what. Looked around... No idea! Must not have been very important, right? I walked back out, into the bedroom, and then I remembered. My shirt! I went in there to get a shirt to put on! Yikes!
Well, as of today, I've been running for 11 weeks. I'm finding it kind of hard to believe that I've stuck with it this long. I'm finding that I really do look forward to it (even though I'm not speedy or a very talented runner) and really do miss it when I don't do it. In a couple of weeks I'll be adding in 2 yoga classes and 1 Zumba class each week. I think that will round out my activity a bit and then all I need to do is add in some strength training! In the meantime, I'll be back tomorrow after a early morning 5K run!
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