Saturday, April 16, 2011

Off and... well... walking!

Okay... here I go!  I headed out today for the first day of my "training" and it wasn't bad.  Mind you, I was only walking.  A little less than 4 miles an hour (I walked 1.8 miles in 30 minutes).  I encountered no interesting wildlife (or domesticated life, for that matter) unless you count the many, many worms that were lounging on the streets and sidewalks.  Yes, it was raining lightly - and sometimes not-so-lightly, which brings all the worms out, creating quite the obstacle course when you make an effort to not squish them.  It was also pretty windy and the times that I was walking into the wind were definitely a little harder!

I wasn't able to figure out how to get my Nike+ thingy to work with my iPod.  I got a new iPod Touch in December and haven't used the NIke+ with it yet, so I didn't know how to get it to start.  I'll have to do a little research before the next time I go out (tomorrow).

My walking companions today were a diverse brood:  Bon Jovi, AC/DC, Joan Jett (obviously), Sammy Hagar, The Revolting Cocks, Kelly Osbourne and Eminem.  We'll see who goes along with me tomorrow!

I have officially signed up for 2 5Ks!  Let's see if I can get through them without the humiliation of the last one I did.  The first one is 3 weeks from today, and NO... I'm not planning to run that one.  It's on University of Michigan's Dearborn campus and around the Henry Ford Estate.  I think it's a relatively small event, but I thought it would be a good one to walk (and run a little) to start out with.  In October I'm signed up for the 5K that is done alongside the Detroit Marathon.  I plan to run that one!  It's 6 months from today and that gives me time to get up to speed (pun intended).  

Tune in tomorrow to find out what happens next on Running With Michelle.

Today's Run Weather:
54 degrees, Humidity 91%, Wind 22-26 mph., Light Rain
(chance of snow tonight - boo)

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