Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Hey! Where have YOU been?

Oh, wait, I guess you should be asking ME that question!  I've been a bad runner!  I was super busy at work with a big event that we put on last Saturday and just didn't drag my @$$ out of bed in the morning to run.  I'm embarrassed to say it, but I was tired and it was hot and I didn't make myself do it.  That kind of behavior is not acceptable and I know it! I have just over 18 weeks to get ready for this half marathon!  I know I don't like to run in the evening, when it's hot outside, and all I really want to do is relax for the evening so I HAVE to get myself out there in the morning those 4 days a week that I am supposed to run.  No matter what!  No more excuses!  Yoda was right: I must "Do, or do not!! There is no try!"
So I DID get up this morning and did my scheduled run with no walk breaks and had the fastest time that I've had when I wasn't running in a race (I always do better in races - maybe the caffeine I drink on the way there).  I chose a new route today, so I had new things to see.  It was mostly on a gravel road not far from home and I encountered cats at two different cheering stations to encourage me on my way.  I also ran by a beautiful orange Dodge Challenger, which was nice since I was missing out on seeing the Charger on my usual route.  It had rained overnight so the road was damp, but not muddy because it was pretty well packed.  I saw very little traffic, as it was sort of in the country.  It was kind of overcast, and pretty humid, making it a little more difficult for me.  I saw that someone posted the question to my coach, Luke, asking what the best way to get used to running in hot weather is and his answer was simple.  Run in hot weather!  I suppose the same is true for running in high humidity.
My schedule is pretty much running on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday (with a longer run on Sunday).  I have 5Ks to do on June 30, July 22 (in Chicago!), August 11, then nothing scheduled until October 6 (my 5-miler over the Mackinac Bridge) then my half marathon on October 21.  I'll need to schedule something for September.  I also saw a discount on registration for the Lansing Half Marathon for April 2013 and am considering signing up for that to keep me on track early next race season.

That's my story, and I'm sticking to it!  I'll be back on Thursday with an even better run than today!

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