Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sunday run - Indoors!

Well, we got up this morning and it was raining.  So we went back to bed for a while, and when we got up a couple of hours later, the rain had stopped, but the humidity hadn't.  The air was heavy, the ground was wet, and we decided to go to the gym to work out, instead of the MetroPark.  I did a 5-minute warm up on the Arc Trainer (I love that machine) and then headed for the treadmills.  There was a woman a few rows ahead of me, on another treadmill, and she looked like she was exerting WAY too much energy to run.  Her arms were high, with her elbows out, rather than being in close to her body.  Her feet were coming up above her knee level in back of her, and she looked like she was wearing herself out.  I certainly couldn't have kept that up for very long! 

I got on the treadmill and started my run. Rather than following the C25K program today, I continued for 45 minutes at a comfortable pace (ie: pretty slow compared to most people) and then increased my speed incrementally for the last 5 minutes, topping out at about 6 MPH when my cool down kicked in.  I used my Power Song for inspiration during those last few minutes.  Thank you Joan Jett!  That doesn't sound all that fast but I'm short!  My inseam is only 26, so 3.5 mph is a pretty steady jog for me.  5mph... That's runnin'!  I felt good.  Really good!  I felt comfortable (mentally and emotionally) and when I finished I went to the stretching area and was very happy with what I had done.

Aside from working out, it's SO much fun to people watch at the gym!  There was the woman using all of her extra reserves.  A guy who was holding himself up with rigid arms while his legs ran really fast.  And there were a number of people who looked like picture-perfect runners.   I try to pay attention to my running form and make sure that I am looking somewhat like those people running who look like very natural in their running. 

Tomorrow morning is supposed to be 63 degrees with 99% humidity, so I'm not sure what the day has in store for me.  Detroit Free Press Marathon and 5K is just 5 weeks from today!
I also want to say a special thank you to all of the people who serve and protect us on the 10-year anniversary of the tragic things that happened in our country on September 11, 2001.  Thank you to those who continue to offer their service, and their lives, to maintain our safety and our freedom, and let us never forget those who have given their lives, so that we may enjoy ours. 

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