Monday, July 11, 2011

Another one bites the dust!

So... I skipped out on my "run" yesterday.  I woke up when the alarm went off, but dozed back off and then, when I woke up again, I heard the guy on the radio say that it was 82 degrees out - or something like that.  I turned the radio down and went back to sleep.  And slept in.  A lot!  I  think I slept for a total of 14 hours!  That's like 3 night's worth of sleep for me! I must have needed it because I felt great when I woke up, despite the fact that I finally woke up and went in the bathroom and saw a poster for the 1988 Michael Keaton  movie, Beetle Juice, only to realize that it was my reflection.  Yikes!

This morning, I DID get up as soon as the alarm sounded, and headed out.  It was 77 degrees out and, I have to say, I didn't like it!  I really prefer temps in the 60s, especially for exercising, but since it's barely mid-July, I guess I should be prepared for several more weeks of hot "running" weather.

I was going to write today about speed-shuffling past a half-smoked cigarette during one of my longer "run" segments and considering taking a smoke break while I was out this morning.  No, I don't smoke - and don't promote it because it causes cancer! - but for a break at that particular moment, I considered pretending and sitting on the curb for a little rest.  Alas, I decided that even pretending to smoke was worse than overworking my legs, so I just kept going.  

But, instead of telling you about that, I'll get to my subject line for today's post.  One of the last songs that I heard while I was out was Queen's Another One Bites the Dust (not Weird Al's Another One Rides the Bus) and I was feeling particularly good - like I had gone a little faster than last week... maybe even had a personal record (PR) mile, and was thinking "Yes!  Another one did bite the dust!" Another "run" and, possibly, my last best-time for the mile.  I thought it was an appropriate song to wind down on, and I did, indeed, set a new PR for the mile.  In fact, I trimmed off 32 seconds from my last PR!  Mind you, my time isn't fast, by any stretch of the imagination, but it was a significant improvement, and Paula Radcliffe congratulated me, once again.  Woo hoo!

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